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PC Maintenance

Every computer is a machine with a lot of small parts. It assembles different hardware components to provide a working process for all your digital needs. Since it's a machine, it needs maintenance like your car.

It can be cleaning, adding of cooling thermal compound, small hardware upgrades, рrefreshment of the cooling system, update the software, inspection of performance, hinges, power supply checks, and others.

If you keep your computer in good condition, it may last for more than 15 years. We know that, and since it's something important about our lifestyle, it's good to take care of it.

Computer Maintenance Service

The maintenance can be once per month, three or six months, or once a year. It depends on how often you're using it. However, we will offer the most relevant solution for your needs.

For business computers, gaming laptops, unique hardware configuration - we may apply upgrades, drivers updates, replacement of accessories or main PC parts like RAM, SSD, USB, HDMI ports.

To be sure which type of service to choose, please call us today and we'll be happy to help you out.