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PC Software

Every computer needs software to work correctly. It can be an operating system, additional software, application, tool or something else. The proper installation is essential to take advantage of it, and to use it for its purpose.

Sometimes a small missing configuration may lead to a big problem and lack of features. Our company has the right solution for cases like this.

Software Installation Service

It's a complex process which includes different steps:

  • Checking of your computer parameters.
  • Download the official software.
  • Configure correct installation according to your PC specification.
  • Setup updates, further changes, upgrades.
  • Launch and test it.

We're experts in installation of Windows 8,10 and previous versions. Also, we are capable of installing Mac OS on non-Apple laptops. The whole process requires a precise measure to be sure that everything will work.

Some of the most significant advantages of our service are to install professional software. It is necessary to set up strictly each feature, and the core platform.

On top of that we can apply:

  • Backup settings to keep your data;
  • Re-installation of previous versions;
  • Restoration of information, files, worksheets, etc.

Please, keep in mind that the software installation service has a fee which doesn't include the software price.

Some of the popular software we install: Windows OS, Linux OS, Auto Cad, Adobe Products, Video Card drivers, Kaspersky, Norton Antivirus, Dropbox, Skype, MySQL, Parental control.

Usually we install software for new computers, graphic designers, video editors, business owners, gamers.